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Superseded circulars and information bulletins



2001/10 - public health act 1991 - review of fees - charges121588/03/2002 12:17:33 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 10 BC9 DE 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 FGHIJ6 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 KLMNPQ Telephone (02 5 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2001-10cir2002-13.pdfSuperseded circular
2001/102 - gift bags provided to mothers of new born babies1216130/10/2001 11:23:42 PMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 101 BCDE 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 FGHIJ Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 KLMNP Telephone (02) 9391 5 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2001-102cir2002-53.pdfSuperseded circular
2001/38 - ambulance service of nsw south wales administrative and clerical employees enterprise award 121656/03/2002 11:16:57 PMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 37 BCDE 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 FGH 28 IJ Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 KLMNP Telephone (02 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2001-38Superseded circular
2000/35 - 2000/2001 dohrs reporting requirements activity performance returns1226411/03/2002 10:44:32 PMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): ABC35 DE 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 FGHIJ24 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 KLMNPQ Telephone (02 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2000-35cir2001-88.pdfSuperseded circular
2004/34 - NSW Health Privacy Manual (Version 1) 20041237825/06/2004 5:48:26 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 34 B C 31 D E 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F G H I J 21 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K L 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2004-34Superseded circular
2000/70 - sydney 2000 olympic and paralympic games car pooling 1241511/03/2002 3:19:48 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): ABC63 DE 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 FGH22 IJ Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 KLMNPQ4 Telephone (02 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2000-70Superseded circular
2000/103 - nsw health policy on the program of appliances for disabled people (padp)125228/03/2002 4:37:25 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): ABC91 D 10 E 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F 19 GHIJ70 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 KL27 M 7 N 26 PQ 6 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2000-103cir2004-53.pdfSuperseded circular
2001/112 - a framework for managing the disciplinary process in nsw health1254030/11/2001 4:34:22 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 111 BC 102 DE 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 FGH 97 IJ Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 KLMN 21 P 3 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2001-112Superseded circular
2002/72 - the guide for the management of nicotine dependent inpatients1259524/07/2002 3:02:25 AMCIRCULAR File No 01/5559 Circular No 2002/72 Issued 24 July 2002 Contact Ms Elayne Mitchell (02) 9391 9466 Tobacco and Health Branch The ‘Guide for the management of 3 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2002-72Superseded circular
2005/11 - Framework for Employment of Nurses1278224/02/2005 4:35:07 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 11 B C 10 D E 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F 4 G 3 H 9 I J 5 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2005-11Superseded circular
poisons legislation circular no. 76 - poisons and therapeutic goods act 1966 - amendments to the poisons and therapeutic goods regulation and poisons list - flunitrazepam146068/09/2000 5:04:41 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): ABC18 DE 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 FGHIJ17 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 KL8 MNPQ Telephone (02 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfib2000-19Superseded information bulletin
2003/29 - List of Accredited Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Profilers146285/12/2003 4:10:05 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 29 B C 27 D E 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F G H 16 I J 23 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfib2003-29Superseded information bulletin
99/95 - control of foodborne listeriosis in health care institutions1473614/03/2002 11:43:20 PMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 75 B C 82 D E 10 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F G H I J 72 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K L 23 M 9 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir99-95cir2003-33.pdfSuperseded circular
99/18 - nsw health information privacy code of practice1434218/03/2002 3:46:30 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 15 B C 17 D E 2 73 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 F 9 G 4 H 10 I 6 J 13 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K L 3 M 2 N 3 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir99-18cir2004-34.pdfSuperseded circular
99/30 - salary sacrifice for superannuation nsw health - central office1472029/09/1999 5:14:16 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 24a B C D E 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F G H I J Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K L M N P Q 3 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir99-30Superseded circular
2003/53 - Salary increase for NSW Health Department Staff Employed under Public Service Awards Covered by the Public Service Association of NSW (PSA) 1249717/07/2003 1:52:52 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 53 B C D E 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F G H I J Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K L M 6 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2003-53Superseded circular
2001/29 - hiv antibody testing by laboratories in nsw122997/03/2002 2:52:06 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 28 BC 27 DE 3 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F 4 G 2 H 19 I 2 J 17 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2001-29Superseded circular
2003/31 - High Environmental Performance for Buildings126011/05/2003 4:11:45 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 31 B 3 C 25 D E 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F G H 25 I J Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 K 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2003-31Superseded circular
87/31 - public hospital nurses award - 1986 ministerial reference case 1269720/09/2004 3:02:59 AM12 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir87-31Superseded circular
89/13 - disposal of medical records135445/03/2004 4:49:28 AMhas been superseded by circular 99/34 21 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir89-13cir99-34.pdfSuperseded circular
93/25 - list of course outlines for occupational health, safety and rehabilitation1497610/03/2017 12:37:12 AMThe list was developed as a source document for Occupational Health, Safety and Rehabilitation Co-ordinators The course subject headings were developed based on feedback from OHS&R 2 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfib93-25Superseded information bulletin
88/193 - incremental salary progression for part time employees in 2nd, 3rd and 5th schedule hospitals, 4th schedule organisations and section 14a servants 128686/09/2004 3:37:44 AM6 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir88-193Superseded circular
2002/87 - exemption from jury duty - nurses1248327/09/2002 2:02:53 AMOn 18 August 2002, the Minister for Health announced that agreement had been reached with the Attorney General which allows registered and enrolled nurses to make application to 4 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2002-87cir2002-115.pdfSuperseded circular
2004/55 - Client Registration Standard1225624/09/2004 2:28:35 AMDistributed in accordance with circular list(s): A 55 B C 52 D E 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 F 14 G H 38 I J 37 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 8 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2004-55Superseded circular
2002/30 - framework for area health services to develop policy and procedures relating to clinical care and resuscitation of the newly born infant1232525/02/2002 5:42:02 AMCIRCULAR File No 02/1303 Circular No 2002/30 Issued 20 February 2002 Contact Administrative Contact: Ms S Stewart (02) 9424 5703 12 Fields.aspxpdfFalsepdfcir2002-30Superseded circular